Ehi Iden

Ehi Iden

Ehi Iden is an Occupational Health and Safety Consultant with over 20 years’ work experience spanning through healthcare, patient safety and Occupational Health and Safety Management. He holds professional certificates in Industrial Hygiene, Community Change in Public Health, Mobile Phone for Public Health, Society and Health, Global Social Entrepreneurship, Behavioural Medicine, Patient Safety, Health and Wellness, Population Health and an Advanced Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Management. He also holds an MBA and M.Sc. in Workplace Health and Safety and currently a PhD by Research student.

Ehi is a versatile trainer and conference speaker in high demand. He is the founding CEO of Occupational Health and Safety Managers (OHSM), a West African Regional Chair, Patient Safety Movement and Coordinator, OSHAfrica.
He is a Member, Board of Trustees in Occupational Safety and Health Africa Foundation (OSHAfrica) and Occupational Health Research and Development Initiative (OHRDI)

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